“Happy Easter”

I’m so glad that Jesus lives and therefore I have such hope for all of my tomorrow’s. Jesus does make a difference in my life,and he will in yours if you give him a real chance. I love the Lord because he first loved me and he chose me to be his,how wonderful that is. I cannot stress enough how important being in relationship with Jesus is. There is a day coming when we must leave this world,and it pays to be ready! Jesus has done all that’s necessary to give you new life through his Holy Spirit.. Now the choice is yours to accept or reject him,there is no middle ground. It is because of the Lord’s great mercy that we have not died in our sin.

Psalms 34

I will always thank the Lord;

I will never stop praising him.

I will praise him for what he has done;may all who are opressed

listen and be glad!

Proclaim with me the Lord’s greatness;

let us praise him together!

(v 8)     Find out for yourself  how

good the Lord is!

Love in Christ Flower

12 thoughts on ““Happy Easter”

  1. MTJ

    Good morning,

    One of the most informative and beautiful sentences ever spoken: He’s not here, He’s risen!. I am blown away when I think about the power of God exerting force over death and destroying Satan’s grip on mankind. Yes, while we were sinners Christ died but even moreso, He rose to justify us.

    So very thankful.

    Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Margaret

    Patty Ann,

    How very wonderful — Jesus has done all that is necessary to give us a new life in Him….. All we have to do is believe in Him, confessing our sins and accepting His marvelous forgiveness….. May you and yours have a most blessed Resurrection Day.


  3. Viola

    I love the Lord too, with all my heart and soul. Nice post Pat, are you having fun today with the grandkids? Are you having a family get together with an egg hunt, dinner and all?

  4. Tishrei

    Hey Pat,

    That last sentence of yours “it is because of the Lord’s great mercy that we have not died in our sin” is most awesome. And because He died and was resurrected, we will not die in our sin if we place our faith in Him.

    Hope you had a blessed Resurrection Day!!!


Thanks so much for your comments,I do appreciate you.