
Praise God,I am surely enjoying the books of Daniel,from the first 3 books I’ve learned how God comes after us. God’s love for us is great!  3 times  God proved himself to Nebuchadnezzar,I mean clear and plain.The different dreams ,God used Daniel to interpret to Nebuchadnezzar,they were way out,I am so enjoying this book. God does the same thing toward us,He comes hard after us but if we’re not careful we’ll miss His reach. Sure enough God’s ways are so far beyond any thing we can think of. It’s just blowing my mind how God came after Nebuchadnezzar,He never gave up,each time Nebuchadnezzar(I’m ready to give him a nickname) would profess loudly,Daniel’s God is the God of all God’s,everyone will worship Him. Then like us he went right back to his comfort zone.And God came after Him time after time,until finally  (Daniel 4)

33 What had been said about me came true at once. I was driven away from people. I ate grass just as cattle do. My body became wet with the dew of heaven. I stayed that way until my hair grew like the feathers of an eagle. My nails became like the claws of a bird.34 At the end of that time I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up toward heaven. My mind became clear again. Then I praised the Most High God. I gave honor and glory to the One who lives forever.
His rule will last forever.
His kingdom will never end.(NIRV)

He said his mind became clear,my God,my God,what will it take for your mind to become clear.Before you realize the God of Heaven is the only Holy true and Living God. God comes after you through your many trials and tribulations,cry out to Him,God has not forgotten you no matter what it feels like right now,everything can change in a moment if God says so “Hallelujah”!

Love in Christ Pat

http://www.boomerinthepew.com/2010/09/nebuchadnezzar-those-who-walk-in-pride-he-is-able-to-humble.html  More good reading.

17 thoughts on “Daniel

  1. pbus1

    Hi Pat,

    God is trying to speak to His people! Yes, the Lord tries to get our attention through our trials and tribulations, and it behooves us to take heed to His prodding! It’s so true, that things can change in an instant, at the Word of the Lord!

    “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.”

  2. Pat Post author

    Hi Paulette
    Thanks for dropping in and for your encouraging comment! Yes it “behooves” us to take heed and come into relationship with Jesus while there is time.
    Love you 😀

  3. Debbie

    Let’s call him Neb . . .how’s that? 🙂 This post spoke loud and clear to me, of all the times He has come after me, working for my good, through trials and painful situations. So thankful that we can cry out to Him even before these things happen! God bless you, Pat, as you seek hard after Him today!

    1. pttyann

      Hi Debbie,that will work for me Neb LOL,so good to see you I sure do appreciate your support Debbie and your encouraging comments and sense of humor I love that,because a whole lot of times we have to just laugh out loud and keep on stepping when satan throwing his bricks LOL. God got us tight and He is never letting go !”Woooohoooo”!!! “Hallelujah”!!!
      Love ya Debbie have a wonderful evening. 😀 😀

  4. Viola

    What a powerful message you have brought forth Pat. The ladies’ at my church did a Bible Study on the book of Daniel with Beth Moore. Boy, was it good. I am pleased to see that you are learning and enjoying this book too. It is a very powerful book. I wish all of God’s children could see that our trials are not to punish us for anything that we do, but it is to strengthen us and help us to grow in the Lord. In our Ladies’ Bible Study right now we are studying the book of Song of Solomon, not in the like of a relationship between two humans (Man and Women) but in the like of our relationship between us and God. Our homework in this study is to pray read the book. I will have to share with you what God has given me on it so far. Man is this book good too. It is so moving to study God’s word. The best book in the world and has any subject you want to read about in it. Love Vi

  5. pttyann

    Hi Vi
    “Wonderful”!! Do get back with me. I tell ya I just could not get enough of Daniel and God is not finished yet,I love the way God opens up the word to us. Song of Solomon the love story that study should be good! The study of Daniel I’m going to continue with David from the link above,God’s plans for us are awesome.I don’t even quiet remember how I came across his web site,looking for one thing and found another. I’m just praying Vi for God to use me any way He wants to,and for Him to help me obey Him always over everybody and everything. Thanks so much for your loving support and very encouraging comments,we’ll talk soon.
    Love you : D 😀

  6. Ann

    Thank you, Sister Pat 🙂

    “everything can change in a moment if God says so”

    This is the thing I will run away with today. I am thankful!!!


  7. terri0729

    Hi Pat! Very nice post. I put you on my The Versatile Blogger Award list. If you wish to accept it, just see the related blog post and follow the same steps that I did. Blessings, Terri

  8. Pat

    Hi William,I do appreciate it but it’s a lot of work,I don’t want to get caught up again.Thanks for stopping in and for your comment.
    Love ya 😀

  9. thewomanatthewell

    Hi Pat!
    I wanted to stop and tell you that your site it amazing! I love the layout and the royal purple blends so well with your words! I am thankful for Zemanta, without their related article feature I might never have found you, and I am so glad I found you!

    Daniel is one of my favorite books I enjoyed this post! You write so fluidly. May God keep your keyboard clackin and continue to bless you with abundant understanding of His word.-WATW

    1. Pat Post author

      I can tell from your comments that we would get along well!”May God keep your keyboard clackin” I love that statement and I’m so glad you enjoyed your visit.
      Love you and I’ll see you soon.


Thanks so much for your comments,I do appreciate you.