The Message…

What a picture God is placing before me,it’s truly amazing the magnitutde of our God.Just as God took Moses and the children of Israel  through the red sea on dry ground,I’m being shown another picture. The one where Pharaoh and all of his men was washed up on the seashore,well so is drug addition,sex addition,homosexuality,lust,panic attacks,child molestion, all of the things that can bind us up so tight. Jesus Christ defeated each and everyone so that we can enjoy his love,peace and joy! But there is something you have to do,”You Must Be Born Again”! There is no way around the love and protection of almighty God. Jesus Christ has made it so easy,just call on him confess your sins,ask for forgiveness and walk with him. All of the things you’re trying to do now to please God does not work,because your sins stand between you and God. Jesus Christ is the sin eraser,and he and only he,can present you to God whole. Jesus Christ the Holy,Precious Lamb of God is still the “only way” to God. And that peace,joy and freedom you so desire. Oh you may fool your friends and family,but you cannot hide from the watchful eyes of almighty God! He sees,He knows and He cares for you deeply! I tell you it’s a wonderful thing walking in freedom,you can fake it but it’s not the same! Jesus Christ is ready and willing to set you free because he has killed the things that have you bound up,satan  just makes you think he’s bad,he makes you think you can never quit! Remember now he is the liar and the Father of lies,all lies come from him and through him,and the enemy (Flesh) within you is another problem,but get this “ant nothing to hard for God”! All of the things that Jesus has defeated can drop off and you will never go back,but it’s only through Jesus Christ. I tell you I’m free and loving it! O I use to be bound up and I was having a good time or so I thought,there is nothing to be compared to the time I’m having in Christ, I’m in love with my Saviour for real! Jesus has loosed me and now he’s using me to help you get free,the messages God gives me ant for everybody,just the chosen few. Have you ever left a Church service and felt like umph, Pastor must be going through something  I didn’t get nuttin out of service,well it was not for you.  That’s why we can sit through the same service and hear a whole different word,God planned it that way.Why ? Because he alone knows exactly what each of us needs and he knows how to reach you. “Whew” what a word from the Lord,it’s a blessing to me and I know it will bless the chosen.

Love in Christ Pat

13 thoughts on “The Message…

  1. Debbie

    Wow Precious Pat! You did indeed get a word from the Lord and a vision of those things being washed up on shore like the Egyptians were. That is so powerful! Praying that all of us that need to hear this, receive it and let Him free us up for more of Him!
    God bless you as you put to post whatever He sends to you! You are a blessing!

    1. Pat Post author

      Hi again Debbie,it’s just amazing the things God has in store,and he is revealing some stuff to me. Some to share and some to ponder. Praise God this message blessed me because I see my family and friends being set free from years of heartache and pain because of the lies,satan walking around in total fear,and still wants to rule us.That’s a lie!! Jesus did defeat him and his nasty package deals,no more we ant taking no more!! God is about to unleash great power through us for healing and deliverance!!! Amen
      Love you Debbie and I do so appreciate your support. 😀 😀

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  3. pbus1

    What a powerful message! I praise God that I know Him in the pardoning of my sins! Yes, I’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb! I have been born again of water and of the spirit! It is truly a wonderful thing to walk in the freedom that only comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord!

    Thanks Pat! God bless you richly!

    Paulette 🙂


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